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We are glad you want to get to know us. With the following steps, you will quickly get up to speed with our philosophy. You will get a lot of fun and enjoyment out of following football matches in Europe and around the world each weekend, because you will want to find out if you were right with ‘your’ tips. You will experience how exciting it can be, and if you win – so much the better!

Click on ‘How it works’ to read a short summary of everything you need to know about Sportwettenberater. Alongside sporting knowledge, the strategy is a decisive tool in reaching the profit zone even with only a few correctly predicted match outcomes.

Click on ‘Statistics’ to view the results of our recommendations in recent weeks. As every member bets with different stakes, we provide the levels of success in percentages.

Click on Info Centre to see legal information on who can bet where and how. There are varying requirements to be aware of in different countries. The size of bet stakes is also dealt with, addiction prevention is discussed and a few other relevant topics are talked about.

Click FAQ to see the most commonly asked questions that may arise. Simply click the question and the corresponding answer appears.

If you click ‘Current bet tips’, unfortunately you will not see anything yet. Only members can see the current tips for the week. But you can quickly become a member – how?

Click on ‘Become a member’ and select the desired tip period (1 week, 4 weeks, 3 months or 1 year), enter your details and select a payment method. You will be provided access in next to no time and can start your strategy betting. There is no subscription – nothing renews automatically.

If you have any questions, write to us ( We will be happy to advise and help you.

Have fun betting and we wish you lots of luck!

The team